Biographical notes

Biographical notes

1979–1984   Study of Piano at the Musikhochschule Mannheim/Heidelberg; Diplom

1984–1986   Post-graduate studies (on a DAAD scholarship) in music therapy in Salzburg at the Psychologisches Institut, Mozarteum and Orff-Institut; post-graduate certificate in Music Therapy

1984–1986   Continuing education in cognitive therapy approaches of behavioral therapy

1987–1992   Many years of experience as a music therapist for children and adolescents at various music schools in the Heidelberg region and at the “Akademie für Ältere” in Heidelberg

1987–present   Over twenty years of experience as a piano teacher at various music schools in the Heidelberg region as well as privately in Berlin

1988–1990   Advanced training in transactional analysis under Arlene Moore

1992   Moving to Berlin

1993–2000   Study of both Art History and Musicology at the Freie Universität Berlin, certificate in musicology

2000–2003   Continuing training in “Erfahrbarer Atem nach Middendorf” under Thomas Abbé and at the Ilse-Middendorf-Institut in Berlin

2001–2007    Trainings in Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu

  • Wu Xing under Pao Siermann, Institut Mitte in Berlin
  • Shiatsu basic training at the Shiatsu-Schule Kreuzberg
  • Fan Teng Gong under Guo Bingsen at the Dao Yuan School for Qi Gong in Bremen

2011   Qualified as a natural health practitioner (Heilpraktikerprüfung) with permission to practice in the field of the Healing Arts

2011–2012   Further education in sound massage with a certification as a Sound Massage Practitioner from the Peter Hess Institut

2012   Opening of my private practice for process-focussed body psychotherapy and music and sound therapy in the group practice “Impuls” in Neukölln

2012–2013   Training in NLP and certification as an NLP Practitioner (DVNLP) under E. Maaß and K. Ritschl at the Institut “Spectrum” in Berlin

2013–present   Further education in process work after A. and A. Mindell

  • Continuous supervision with Marianne Verny, lecturer, teaching analyst and supervisor at the “Institut für Prozessarbeit IPA”, Zürich
  • Seminar on process-oriented treatment of addiction “Addiction – Moving lines between heaven and hell” in Berlin 2013 at Jan Emetchi, Masters in Processwork and head of department at the “Process Work Institute”, Portland
  • Seminar on dream body work “Intimate mirrors: relationships, body symptoms and dreams” in Berlin 2013 with Jan Emetchi (see above)
  • Summer Intensive Week 2015 “Worldwork – Work with internal and external diversity” at the IPA in Zürich
  • Focus Empathy 2016 “Diversity and Relationship” in Berlin
  • Zoom-Summer Intensive Week 2020 “Process-oriented approaches to working with trauma ”, Institute for Process Work IPA in Zürich

2024 Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (three-year trauma therapy training in Somatic Experiencing according to Peter Levine – European association for somatic experiencing)

I am very fortunate to have the possibility to continue to pursue my first profession as a piano teacher alongside to my psychotherapeutic work. To me it is very important and enriching to be able to move between both fields.

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