When working towards the realisation of personal and professional wishes, I like to use methods from NLP. They are goal-oriented, take into account your personal resources, train your powers of perception and encourage your powers of imagination.
Your creative potential is stimulated in a variety of ways, giving it the space to develop and unfold and become the mainstay of your future planning.
This also strengthens your inner motivation and personal perseverance when implementing your projects. Thus, you can take the concrete steps towards achieving your goals with confidence and ease.
If you are looking for support in your artistic development process, I not only use approaches from process-oriented psychology according to A. Mindell in my coaching, but also draw upon my own experiences and insights as a musician and as a personal or therapeutic coach of musicians and visual artists.
In this work, I experience my knowledge of musicology and art history as a helpful source for providing impulses and encouraging people to strike out on their own.